Bentley Descartes 2023


Name Polyconic
Model Conic
Type n/a
Meridians Complex curves concave toward a straight central meridian
Parallels Non-concentric circles except for a straight equator
Spacing Meridian Equal and decreases toward the poles

Graticule spacing compromises all properties

Spacing Parallels Spaced true to scale on central meridian

Spacing increases toward the east and west

Linear Scale True along each parallel and along central meridian

7% maximum scale error on U.S.

Specialties Where other conic definitions are based on a cone of 1 or two tangency parallels, Polyconic is based on an infinite number of cones with an infinite number of tangency parallels

Area is deformed (i.e., not equal area)

Angle is deformed (i.e., not conformal)

Uses Area of interest has a predominantly North-South extent

Mosaicking is limited
